Transgender and Gender Diverse Healthcare in Canada An Analysis of the Canadian Health System

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Jonah Kynan Murray


Transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) individuals have been found to be disproportionately exposed to prejudice within the Canadian healthcare system. This paper analyzes Canadian studies conducted throughout the past decade with themes pertaining to gender-diverse issues in healthcare. This analysis found that a lack of TGD-specific healthcare education, as well as discrimination towards TGD individuals within the healthcare system, act as barriers to health-seeking behaviours in TGD persons. A lack of nation-wide standardization in policies and services offered to TGD patients, particularly in gender-affirming care, also acts as a barrier to proper treatment of TGD patients. Implementing federal policies specific to gender-diverse needs may aid in standardizing and normalizing the treatment of TGD patients. In addition, mandating TGD-specific education in medical schooling could also act to improve TGD healthcare in Canada.