What’s Your Cap? The Highlights and Lowlights of Developing a Research and Theory-Driven Binge Drinking Prevention Initiative on a Canadian University Campus

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Elisabeth Bartlett
Dani Robertson-Boersma
Colleen Anne Dell
David Mykota


Binge drinking is a serious health concern on university campuses across North America. This article examines the development of the University of Saskatchewan Student Binge Drinking Prevention Initiative (BDPI) and its grounding within the theoretical and research literature. We begin the article by establishing the rates and patterns of high-­‐risk drinking among university students. Next, we review the BDPI’s formation, and its commitment to drawing upon the latest empirical evidence on prevention campaigns. We also look at the guidance that Community Coalition Action Theory provided to the BDPI’s development. Together, these approaches enabled the BDPI to be student-­‐run, proactive, and account for gender and other forms of diversity. Last, the central highlights and lowlights for students involved in the BDPI’s development are shared. This paper helps fill a gap in the literature on developing coalition prevention efforts aimed at reducing high-­‐risk alcohol consumption by university students.